Friday, March 14, 2008

Going. . .Going. . . Going . . .

It's been about a week and a half since the big layoffs announcement and the exits are well and truly underway. Some people send out goodbye emails, some wander around the building saying their farewells, some I don't even know they're going until they're gone. We had a kind of mass going-away party in the conference room for all the Research layoffs yesterday, with beer and food and a slide show of photos from happier times, and it was all very depressing. Maybe once you've been through a few of these you get better at it, but right now, asking people what they're going to do next, listening to myself say cliche crap like "you'll probably look back and think this was the best thing that could have happened," I don't think I want the practice. Making it worse was the fact that I wasn't totally clear on who all was going causing situations like when I was having a conversation with someone for about ten minutes before I found out she was leaving, at which point I started backpedaling like it was an Olympic even and I had a shot at a medal. So, yeah, not a fun party, but I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I can think of some people who probably enjoyed it a lot less than I did.

1 comment:

Cornelia Read said...

It always feels really awful and scary to get laid off or fired, but sometimes it really is a watershed event that allows for great things to happen in the aftermath. And you know I'm an evil cynic with a tiny black heart, so if I say that it must be true, right?

Still feels like crap to have to say to someone "you'll probably look back on this and..." though.