Monday, May 07, 2007

The East Coast Travel Saga: Part Two

In Which Daisy Discovers the Value of Being Flexible, And Wonders if Perhaps She Should Have Taken Up Yoga

I am travelling to Boston next week, rather sooner than I had expected, as for some reason I had the trip pegged to the last week of the month, but no matter. Boston should be fun and the conference looks interesting, and I get to stay at a super-fancy hotel on my employer's dime (actually, several thousand of my employer's dimes) (not that they're actually reimbursing me in dimes) (I hope), all of which are distinct positives. And, since the conference ends on a Friday, and my plane ticket is paid for anyway, I thought I'd stay on through the weekend and see a bit of the city. Sounds like a good idea, right? Of course it does. Unfortunately, that weekend seems to be when about a third of Boston's eighty billion (approx.) college students graduate and rooms are somewhat scarce. Still I tried:

Me: "Hello, do you have any rooms for the nights of the 18th and 19th?"
Innkeeper: "No."

. . .

Me: "Hello, do you have any rooms for the nights of the 18th and 19th?"
Hotel Reception: "Ha! No."

. . .

Me: "Hello, do you--"
B&B Manager: "No."

. . .

Reservation Service: "We have a lovely apartment in Quincy for three hundred dollars a night."
Me: "Um, no."

Me (thinking): You know, there's no reason I absolutely have to be in Boston for those days... and I'm not crazy about doing my touristing in a sea of parents and grandparents, all cramming the same seven Revolutionary War sights into the same three days.
My Guidebook: Daily high-speed ferries run from Boston to Cape Cod.
Me: "Hmm."

. . .

Me: "Hello, do you have any rooms for the nights of the 18th and 19th?"
Cape Cod B&B Owner: "Why, yes."
Me: "Private bathroom?"
CCBBO: "Yes."
Me: "One block from the beach?"
CCBBO: "Yes."
Me: "Reasonable rate?"
CCBBO: "Yes."
Me: "I'll take it."
CCBBO: "Great. We'll pick you up at the ferry terminal."

So, anyway, I guess I'm going to spend a couple of days staring at the other ocean.

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