Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Low-Power Travel Update, Part Two

(I have managed to borrow a power supply from the nice ladies who run the B&B, so I'll try and blog until it's time to leave for the ferry. This is not exactly going according to plan.)

The conference went through Friday morning, but the sessions ended early on Thursday afternoon, so I had some time for sightseeing. Not that much time, and the weather was kind of lousy, so I decided to see the sights of Filene's Basement, land of discount fabulousness. I think it's important, when travelling, to take in the local cultural highlights. I went by the DSW around the corner too, just in case.

By the time I was done there it was time for dinner so, being in Boston, naturally I decided to go for Mexican. Yes, Mexican. Not as misguided as Chinese in Carlsbad, New Mexico, or as random as Swiss in Bali*, but still, what is it with me and inappropriate cuisine choices?

If you're interested, I had a decent but sub-Chevy's quality fajita with "guacamole" that was clearly from some kind of squeezebag and a margarita that made up for in tequila what it lacked in flavor.

You weren't interested, were you?

*This one doesn't really count, because I didn't pick it and I didn't actually eat anything, being as I was afflicted with a travel-related stomach illness. And let me tell you, there's nothing like tropical heat, an upset stomach and a table full of rich, greasy, northern European food. I tried to order some Indonesian noodles, but they came with a fried egg on top, so I just cut out early and went back to our rooms.

**Okay, now I really want to go to Chevy's. I need some of those chips and I need them now.

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