Monday, September 06, 2010

Confused Tomato Makes a Friend

As you may recall, I recently mentioned that they are powerwashing and painting the outside of our building. Well, they did the one side, and aside from one broken glass tabletop, that was all well and good. And then we got the notice that they were doing the other side*. And the problem with that was that the balcony on the first side wasn't big enough to hold everything, and we weren't going to keep hauling the plants back and forth anyway. Also, they started a day earlier than the notice said, which I realized when I looked out the window and saw the man in the cherry-picker. So I pushed the plants all as far back from the edge as I could and hoped for the best.

Unfortunately, I couldn't do that for Confused Tomato. He was hanging from a hook up against the wall, the highest one I could reach, and there were no other spots available that would be any safer. So that morning I gave him some water and a sorry look and went off to work, hoping for the best.

But apparently I needn't have worried. For such is the magic of Confused Tomato that when I came home that night I found that someone-- presumably one of the painters-- had moved him from his original spot to a hook in the middle of the balcony, where he hung securely in safety. They even hooked his vines down over the railing so that the tomatoes (there are three of them now) could grow in the open, finally safe from confusion and secure in the knowledge that someone out there is looking out for them.

*We live on the corner. Which has, up to now, been an excellent thing, what with the windows and balconies and all.

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