Friday, October 30, 2009

Free Music Friday

I am a big fan of the free music downloads offered by iTunes and Amazon. They've sort of taken the place of the samplers I used to get from the now-departed, much-missed Hear Music. (Yes, I know it persists as Starbucks' in-house music label. I think that's all I need to say about that.) So I thought I would offer them a little "thank you," in the form of a regular blog feature that will, um, feature some of the ones I find particularly good. Like would-actually-for-them good.

Today's offering: Not one but two songs by Desoto Jones, a band I know nothing about but whose album I should probably buy, seeing as how I like their music so much.

Both of these came from Amazon, on Deep Elm Sampler No. 8 "Bonfire of Trust" which, sadly, is no longer free. (You can subscribe to their download newsletter if you want to know what's on offer each week.)

Giant Magnets


The interesting thing, to me anyway, is that I rated these songs separately, and only later noticed that they were by the same band. Make of that what you will.

: A link to all the free music currently on offer on Amazon.

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